Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What's Up?!

Yes, we are still here. Having the busiest summer I can ever remember. Trying to enjoy it while at the same time keeping up with all of the "to dos"

One exciting adventure is one we are taking with a group from Soren's swim team. We have formed a non-profit organization and are raising money to build an aquatics training facility in Aledo. It is an enormous undertaking that is proving to demand a lot of time and effort. We are about 6 weeks into the project and are moving along wonderfully. Check it out, and notice the benefits that come with donating :)

July 4th

To celebrate the 4th our street had a swim, bounce, slide, cookout, shoot fireworks, all day party. It was so much fun. We have grown to quite a large group, so to accommodate our numbers (as well as our slide and bounce castle) we simply took down a fence to combine two back yards. Genius. We are so blessed to have an entire street of friends that we enjoy!

Soren's big 'ole feet. That is what makes her such a great swimmer!

The kids use the water fall as a diving board. Notice even Brin the dog enjoyed the party

Let's see. What else.

Pete and Reese are down in New Braunfels playing at the water park. Just a daddy/daughter get away. Soren and I finally got to use our Six Flags passes today. I don't know if it was the heat (106!) but there were NO LINES! We were only there for 5 hours and were able to ride all of the rides we wanted. Had to come home at a respectable time because 5am hurts when you stay up too late.

3 more meets in the next 3 weeks and then Soren gets a nice 3 week break from swim team until school starts. I finally signed up for a race, too. I will do the olympic distance at the Disco Tri on the 17th. I have never done this distance and am very unsure of how to pace it. It is too long to sprint and too short to really pace. I guess I will figure it out when I get out there!

So that's that.

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