Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter, Easter, Easter

What a wonderful holiday weekend! Here is a recap of our Easter celebration.

It is only appropriate for my kids to hunt eggs in water, and the Y offered the opportunity with their aqua egg hunt last weekend...

On Thursday, Reese's mother's day out had their egg hunt.

Easter day promised stormy weather, so Pete and I decided to let the girls hunt their eggs from us on Saturday. Pete set up a scavenger hunt with clues that lead to all of the eggs and the girls had a great time deciphering the hints and running to the stash of prize filled eggs.

On Easter Sunday after church we raided Pops and Nana's house, which again proved very profitable :) The adults were given the name of a song and in that song was the clue to where we could find our egg. Pretty fun. Some of us are better than others at unraveling hints!

The kids had eggs hidden all over the house (the rain kept us inside until the afternoon) and then ventured out to the garage where Nana had set up a table full of craft projects.

When the rain cleared and the sun came out the guys decided that we needed to have a friendly game of croquet in the front yard. We ended up playing until evening while our rag-tag kids ran around the neighborhood bare footed setting up squirrel traps. Classic Easter fun, right? I did not take a single picture, but hopefully pops will share some of his! (Pops, I need some of the pictures that you took!)

We had such a great celebration of the resurrection of our Lord! Happy Easter, all!

1 comment:

MattandSara said...

How FUN!! I've never seen an underwater easter egg hunt. My question is, what were they filled with? Also, Reese is the cutest thing. I love her sweet smile and energy!