Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Back in the Water

After all of the drama at the Y over Soren's swim coach being fired, 60 out of 62 families decided to stay with the coach rather than the Y and so we have been out of the water for almost three weeks. This week we are back in the water, renting lanes at a local college and swimming under the name of a local swim team while our coach applies to be a head coach under USA Swimming rules. Crazy. At least we are all back together and swimming. The kids handled the changes well and are excited to move forward with our pool project so that we can officially be Sigma Performance Swimming.

Because we are no longer part of the Y, we had our annual awards banquet as Sigma on Saturday. Each swimmer was given a certificate from the coach with a very heart felt comment about their character and achievements over the past year. He did such a great job encouraging each swimmer right where they are in their training. Special awards were given for achievement. Five distinguished swimmer awards were given and Soren received one of those! She went from a BB swimmer to a AAA swimmer at one meet and was recognized for that. It was a special night and Soren was very excited to get her awards.

In other news, Soren is now a part of so many extracurricular activities that we had to get her a daily planner, but it is all good and seems to be balanced (for now, anyway). The girls are thoroughly enjoying their new drama class that started last week. It is fun to do something new and different.

Last weekend we finally celebrated the Parker fall birthdays. We got together at Pops and Nanas house, ate, ate, ate, passed around cards and money, laughed until we nearly peed our pants, and then played games. Such a great time!

this is what we do. pass around funny cards and money. such a great tradition. Mat always ends up with at least one weiner dog card in honor of Roscoe

Nana got a little bit more than a card from Pops this year. Kinda shiney, round, you wear it on your finger...
Pops and I always have to take pictures of each other taking pictures
just thought we would draw funny eyes and take a we have to have a reason for everything we do? Afterall, we are Kitz's kids!

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