Sunday, March 28, 2010

Short and Sweet

We are one more week closer to precious summer. School Easter parties are being planned, field trips are coming up and we had our swim team meeting to discuss the summer schedule. I can almost taste it.

Soren had an exciting weekend as she was able to go to her first lock-in. I was nervous about that because I know what I did at lock-ins! But this church is smart and had a '5th and 6th grade girls only' night. Perfect. Soren went to school from 8-3, swim team from 5-7, lock-in from 8pm to 6am, swim team from 6:30-8:30am and then went hiking with Pete, Reese and the dog. Where oh where do they get their energy?

Soren has finally used some of her saved up cash. She is not a spender and thought long and hard before deciding to purchase an itouch. She is super excited to start loading apps and playing games. We are heading to Canton with Grandma this weekend and Soren thinks she will be able to find a cool cover for it.

Drama class starts up again this week. Reese will be in the same class; it is the only one she can do until she turns 7. Soren will try a new class this semester, drama. She has done creative acting and show choir and loved both. This will be learning lines and doing short scenes from different plays. It will be fun to see what she likes best.

Dog Pics

Here are a couple of pictures we snapped of Pre and Cosmo over spring break. Cosmo has no idea that Pre is bigger than he is. Too cute.

Texas Day

Kindergarten is cool; they get to do such fun stuff. Poor kids have no idea that next year most of the fun stops and it's almost all work. This week they had "Texas Day". I'm not exactly sure why, but it was fun. It was basically a field day with the games renamed in a Texas theme. We were blessed with good weather (warm, but windy) and I got my first sun burn of the season! I love the first sun burn because that means that hot weather is on the way.

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