In Reese's class we turned sugar cookie cones into Christmas trees...and then ate them. Gross. The kids totally loved it. What a mess!
In Soren's class they had a contest to see who did the best job decorating their classmate as a snowman. Soren, Tori and Riley won! Cute. Not Gross.
Because Wednesday was the last day of school, and a party day, I did not enforce a bed time this week. The girls stayed up until at least 11 every night. This is how I found them Tuesday night around that time. Classic Reese.
Our Second Christmas Celebration!
This year Grandma Charlotte gave the girls a trip for Christmas. We met at the Ga*leria Mall in Dallas and started at the Amer*can Girl Store (because it is our favorite!)
Reese decided it was time for Chrisa to get her ears pierced. She did so good! No crying at all! :)
After browsing the store and exhausting Grandma's resources (for the moment), we headed into the mall to enjoy the festive decorations.
My girls' beautiful blond, straight hair caught the attention of a salesman and he convinced them to let him curl their golden locks. It was so much fun to watch and they did a beautiful job!
Oh yes, but first we had to feed the girls some breakfast. They chose pizza. Whatever, it's Christmas with Grandma, anything goes!
After lunch we left the mall and headed home just in time for the candle light Christmas Eve service at church. It was a great time of worship and celebration of Jesus' birth!
Back home this evening we have made Santa's cookies (Reese wanted chocolate chip and Soren wanted rice kri*spie treats so we made both; good thing I don't have 5 or 6 kids!), set them out and opened the first gift of Christmas. Before we tuck into bed we are going to play some games and watch a movie. Santa will have to work the late shift to catch these girls asleep!
Traditionally we set Santa's cookie plate on the ground next to the fireplace. This year we have a new addition to the family that would assume the cookies are for him, so we had to put the cookies on the bar in the kitchen. Reese left a note on the fireplace for Santa so he could find the goodies. Love it.
Also a tradition, the girls opened their first gift, new pajamas and socks.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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