Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring Break and the 1st Grade Musical

For Spring Break the girls and I joined Grandma in San Antonio for a trip to Sea World! It has been 10 years since I have been and I had forgotten what a neat place it is. We were able to spend all day Tuesday in the park and went back on Wednesday for a few hours before we had to head home. Thanks, Grandma, for such a great time!

Soren and Reese's cousins Jacob and Zach were able to come, too!

The First Grade Musical

Reese and the rest of her first grade friends entertained us last week with a musical. It was about taking care of the earth, recycling, etc. They did such a great job. Reese had a speaking part -check out the video at the bottom of this post.

just a random picture of the girls by the tulips last week. Can't get blogger to move it down to the bottom of the post...

Reese with her good friend, Emily at the musical

Reese's teacher, Mrs. Massengale, who was a part of the musical as an alien

**I just want to go on record that I have no idea why Reese does not have any shoes on at the musical. She was to dress as a normal kid for the play and she chose to wear what she wore to school that day - including her shoes! After the show I asked her why she took her shoes off before she came on stage, she just shrugged her shoulders and said "because I wanted to". Ok.

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