Monday, September 15, 2008

learning the lingo

Soren swims for 2 hours everyday. Pete decided to make that time productive, so he and Reese have started a new routine. Reese rides her bike and Pete runs with his backpack stocked with a blanket and books. They ride/run for about 3 miles, stop and read, play, hike, and then head back as swim team lets out. Pretty neat. Anyway, today I took the girls because Pete had something going on and I have to say I was quite impressed. There are certain phrases used by bikers when they are in an area used by other bikers, runners, etc. Reese is totally up on the lingo. I was running behind her and she would announce "biker up" when she saw a biker coming our way; "runner up" "walker up" "dog up" "scooter up". It was so cute. When she passes people who are walking she says "passing" so they will know she is coming around. We had such a great time. I think I am going to worm my way into that little routine of theirs!

1 comment:

MattandSara said...

That's awesome! Does she give lessons cuz I didn't know any of that. Of course nobody around here bikes...or at least they don't bike when I'm biking or WHERE I'm biking...I'm kind of a wimp and only go in neighborhoods. I've been thinking about you and this weekend coming up. Prayers for safety, fun, and good times going up for you!