Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cozumel – Day 1

We have arrived! After a slight delay at the airport we enjoyed a non-eventful flight and made it to our hotel around 3pm yesterday. It is dark here by 5, so we only had a couple of hours to explore but have had a full day of it today!

I have a few pictures but most are on our disposable water camera; we did a lot of swimming and snorkeling today. It is not hot here this time of year (around 80 for the high), but it is comfortable for swimming until late afternoon and then it can feel a little chilly (not that the kids noticed). It is actually kind of nice to not feel so hot and I know it will be nice for the race on Sunday!

It is so fun to have the girls here with us, but they also have Grandma, Grandpa, and have met two girls their age, so we see them here and there as they dart around the resort.

I will do all training/race updates on my training blog http://www.imcozumel.blogspot.com/

flying kites the first evening we arrived

some of the locals

soren leaving her mark on the beaches of Cozumel

Pete, Soren, Reese and Grandma on the jetti in front of our hotel

Pete watching the kids during "crazy game" time
"crazy game" time offered by the resort for the kids. Today they had sack races. Soren won. Big surprise. That kid is SO competitive!
Grandma and Grandpa

aparently, Soren has not been taught how to use a hammock


Shelley said...

Good Luck!! Cant wait to see more pictures and to hear all about your race :)

Sam and Ann Gonzalez said...

It is just too ironic and not right that you guys are in Mexico, and we are here in the States!!!! At least Cozumel is still very far away from us, so I don't feel terrible. If I find a triathlon in our neck of the woods, will you come? Hope all goes well and you enjoy your time in Mexico.