Sunday, November 15, 2009

Drama and Yoga

Friday was a milestone for Reese and an exciting opportunity for Soren. The drama classes that they have been taking ended this week and they had a small production to conclude the semester. Reese's class acted out a script written by their teacher based on a children's book called What Makes a Rainbow. Reese had 3 lines that she had to say in addition to the songs that the group sang together. I held my breath wondering if she would actually say her lines once the spotlight was on her...and she did! She spoke loudly and clearly and sang along with the songs and did the movements. This was a first for her and a huge step in overcoming her shyness. It was pretty cool. Soren, on the other hand, was born to be on the stage. Her class was divided into groups of 4 and told to come up with an imaginary product and make a commercial for it. Soren's group made up a product called super soda that allowed you to do anything you can imagine. They are both excited to start new classes after the holidays. Thank you, Grandma and Nana for coming down to watch; it meant so much to the girls.

Family rocks. Notice I am not IN the pictures, just an innocent bystander enjoying the entertainment from a safe distance :)

My new bike! WooHoo! Competitive training is over...two taper weeks and then I race.

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