Saturday, May 8, 2010

New Mexico Girls' Weekend - Day 2

Ahh, day 2 on the ranch. We started the day off slow. Slept in, cooked breakfast and then played some cards and dominoes.

Around noon we headed across the ranch to a leased section owned by a close family friend, Deanna, for a fabulous lunch. Food, fun and conversation were followed by a trip around the ranch to check water. Water is scarce around here and is pumped into many tanks that feed the water holes for the cows. Ranching is so interesting; there is always something that has to be done.

After our work was done we returned to the house and loaded up everything we needed for our hiking trip / weenie roast and headed up to the Cooley. We hiked up and over the hill where our truck with dinner supplies was waiting. The hike was amazing. I thought I had seen the land from every angle, but this was yet another awe inspiring experience. It was a challenging climb with a beautiful view that I will never forget.

We enjoyed our campfire cuisine and more fellowship and now we are home, completely pooped.

One more day! What will it bring?

ok, so I was telling the girls that I wanted a picture of me with some cows, because, well, I don't have a picture of me with a cow! There was a group near one of the gates we were going through and I hopped out for the picture and this is how the cows decided to pose for the picture. Classsic.

the lucky bull

while we were out checking water we were literally out in the middle of no-where and they actually had a street sign at an intersection of two dirt roads! They say it is required for 911. Ummm, there is no cell phone coverage out here.

water check!

the ruins of an old house

this is a view from about half way up the Cooley

Sara, Jenn and Shelby hiking up the Cooley

this rock is named 'the dino egg'

The Cookout!

Yes, I actually ate this. And it was SO GOOD!

Deanna, with her weenie in her pocket.

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