Friday, May 7, 2010

New Mexico Girls' Weekend - Day 1

We have arrived! I am about 40 miles outside of Fort Sumner, New Mexico with 4 of my best girlfriends. We are on a working cattle ranch experiencing the life of a cowboy. We have had one full day here and it was indeed a FULL day! We are having so much fun together, laughing, crying (we ARE girls, after all), eating, and having amazing new experiences. Considering we are all city girls, I have to say, we are holding our own out here!

Thanks to Leah's mom, Lynn (this is her ranch!), we are going to get a taste of all this life has to offer and I for one can't wait to see what today will bring.

Here is what we did yesterday...

our morning started with a 3 mile walk. it was 1.5 miles uphill to the turn around, hello burning buns! Me, Jenn, Shelby and little Heidi dog at the summit.

Kim massages a huge knot out of Leah's aching calf

40,000 acres of this to hike!

local plant life

a view of the ranch

I got to ride around in the back of a pickup truck! Do you know how long it has been since I have done that?!

picnic lunch in the dry creek bed in the Entrainia pasture.

some of these are as tall as me!

evidence of the local life :)

our new friend, Heidi! She keeps right up with us in spite of her tiny little legs

looking out over the valley before we hiked down through it

there are 640 different pastures, this is the Entrainia pasture

heading out for our 4 wheeler scavenger hunt!

this was SO cool. These are hexagon rocks. They are found in Hex beds. We got to go Hex hunting!

Wow. That was a full day. Now we are off for day two...stay tuned!

1 comment:

MattandSara said...

I'm catching up on blogs tonight. Fun trip! I love the poop accurate! Happy Mother's Day!