Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Countdown to Redman

Pete is on vacation starting today to complete all of the final preparations for the Redman Iron Distance Triathlon on Saturday. I am SO EXCITED to go watch this race. I am absolutely amazed at the athletes that do Iron Man distances. Pete has trained long and hard for this and I think he will do very well. He estimates that it will take him 15 hours to finish; I don't think it will take him over 13. Any bets? He leaves tomorrow for Oklahoma and is taking Reese with him, at Grandma's request. Soren and I will come Friday after school. The girls get to stay in Grandma's motor home, which is so much fun! She will take them to the Oklahoma State Fair on Saturday during the race and meet us at the finish line to cheer on our best man. It is sure to be an exciting weekend! On race day you can track an athlete on the race website . There is a red oval on the left hand side of the page that says "track an athlete live" after clicking that you choose "full" under the events and track Peter Underwood. I have never tracked anyone on this site but I think it will just tell you when he passes certain check points. If there is internet availability I will post updates as the day progresses, but if not I will just post an after race report. Stay tuned for more!

Today we went down to the pool for Pete to test his wet suit. I should have known that Reese would end up in the water, too. Then she got to drive home; she always ducks down when she sees a car coming...

1 comment:

mcjacobsjournal said...

How exciting!!! GOOD LUCK, PETE! I can't wait to hear all about how well he does. :)