Last night Reese started coughing, so this morning I let her sleep in rather than taking her to Mother's Day Out. She slept and slept and slept. She would wake up every couple of hours and ask for a drink of water and then go right back to sleep. I was busy around the house and was not too concerned until she woke up at 1:30 pm for a drink and had a fever. I went to the kitchen to get some water and the thermometer and when I came back I could not get her awake enough to take her temp orally, so I took it under her arm...103. I called the doctor, got an appointment for 4:30 and got in the shower (yea, I had not showered yet, so what!). Reese was sleeping on my bed which is right next to my bathroom door. I had been out of the shower for a few minutes and I heard some movement so I looked out to see if she was waking up and I saw that she was having a seizure. Her body was stiff and she was foaming at the mouth and her eyes were rolling back. I grabbed Reese and the phone at the same time; dialed 911, reached over and turned on the bath, stripped Reese, climbed in the tub with her and talked to the operator all while calling out for Jesus to help me. Her seizure was less than a minute long, but I could not get her to open her eyes (they were still rolled back) and her breathing was labored and I could feel her heart beating out of her chest. The operator instructed me on what to do until the paramedics arrived. They were so great; so calming and reassuring. It took Reese quite a while to come around and respond, but I could tell that she was breathing easily and that was enough to calm me down enough to be helpful. We decided on a ride downtown to have everything checked out and after about 5 hours, we are back home and Reese is resting well. She had a febrile seizure, but no major illnesses that they can tell. Just a viral cold that brought on a high fever.
She perked up for the first time all day on our way home from the hospital. She said "That was fun riding in the ambulance!" I did not know she even remembered it. She did not talk to the paramedics and slept most of the time. She knows that her aunt is a paramedic and works on an ambulance, so she asked me if that is where Aunt Sarah works. It was very reassuring to hear her talk and make sense after seeing her so lethargic.
We serve a great God who not only answers prayers, but answers them quickly. I am so grateful for all of my friends and family who were by our side. What started out as a very frightening situation ended up being a cold, and I know that is because of all of the prayers that went up for Reese. Thank you
15 years ago
Oh my!!!! That sounds really scary, but I'm glad that you all is okay, and that you got your shower in before all the excitement started! We love you guys and pray for a speedy and uneventful recovery.
Oh-Sara! I know that is SO scary. Abby had the same thing when she was 15 mos old. All to find out she had a double ear infection. Fun times with the spinal tap, though.
It's so scary to see your baby in that situation, but you are right our God is so good to protect our little angels.
I am so sorry you had to experience that! Amy had a similar situation with Emily when she was around 3 or so...very scary! Thanking God with you that everything turned out OK. Kids are AMAZINGLY resilient!!
Wow, how scary!! I am so thankful that she is ok. I couldn't imagine watching that. I'm so glad God gave you the strength to make it through and that she is on the mend!
Oh,I'm so sorry! That is truly scary! Praise God that she is ok. Ya'll rest up!!!
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