Monday, February 18, 2008


Saturday, Soren got to do some more volunteer work with her CEO club at school. This time we got to go stuff the runners' packets for the Cowtown Marathon. It was pretty neat to see all of the work that goes on to do that. Reese and I went with her to help and we were all given official Cowtown Marathon Volunteer shirts. None of us are running in this race, but it is really fun to be a part of it in some small way.

The CEO Team

Soren and Ally make posters to cheer on the runners

Reese puts 4 safety pins together for each runner

Reese's birthday is this week so she has been receiving cards in the mail. She can read her name and gets VERY excited when she sees that a piece of mail is for her. This morning she got three more cards and one of them had money in it. She read the cards, folded the money in her little hand, stood up and said "So, let's go buy some stuff!" So completely opposite of her sister who would starve before she spent a dollar of her own money (however, Soren did try to give me $20 of her money for Valentine's Day to help pay for my race. That was huge for her. I did not take it.) Only one of what seems to be an ever growing list of differences in their personalities.

***disclaimer: I cannot get the spell check to work on blogger anymore, so if my posts are full of misspelled words, it is not my fault.


mat said...

Great stuff! I love reading about the girl's activities.

And misspellings now are suddenly spell checker's fault? Doesn't have anything to do with the actual speller? Kidding of course...I didn't see any misspellings. :)


Debra said...

I love reading your stories too. You are a very good writer.

(didn't see any misspellings)
