AMAZING! The race was completely incredible! If you know ANYTHING about me at all, then you know this was a HUGE accomplishment for me. I have never been an athlete and I DID IT! I swam 1.2 miles in 38 minutes, I rode my bike 56 miles in 3 hours and 6 minutes and I ran 13.2 miles in 2 hours and 14 minutes. My total race time was 6:13. I did not have to stop one time; that was my unspoken goal. I did not want to put it in print because I was so afraid of failing. My training was so great; I was totally prepared and did not feel overwhelmed by the distances. The swim was wonderful. The lake is so clear that you can see everything and drafting another swimmer takes no effort. When I saw the layout it was crazy. 1.2 miles looks really far when it is laid out in a big circle. I had to remind myself that I could do this. The ride was so beautiful. Rolling hills and gorgeous country scenery. There were some fun 30-35 mph downhills and some HARD uphills. I did not get bored, and neither did my gears. The run got hot! It was aT shape, also with rolling hills. I felt awesome all the way through the swim, the bike and up to mile 7 of the run, ok until mile 9 and pretty crappy the last 4 miles, but at that point I was so excited to have come that far that it really did not matter how my body felt; I knew I could finish! Such a wonderful experience; I highly recommend it!
Pete had an awesome day, to say the least! There were 350 participants and he came in 24th overall. We do not have the age group break downs yet. There were some amazing athletes out there and I am so proud of him! He says that he felt great, all of his equipment worked well, and he did not have any problems. See this is just a warm up for him. Next month he will do TWICE this distance! Yep, 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike and 26 mile run...oh my goodness! So he is really glad to know that he can go at least half way and feel good.
We are very tired, but so grateful for such a great experience. We are so blessed to have had a safe drive here and a race with no injuries. Thank you, God, for allowing us this opportunity.
I did it!!!
We are very tired, but so grateful for such a great experience. We are so blessed to have had a safe drive here and a race with no injuries. Thank you, God, for allowing us this opportunity.
I did it!!!
I did it! My handy dandy finishers medal and t-shirt
this is our only post race picture. Pete was already cleaned up and I was exhausted, so we did not stick around long.
YEA!! Congratulations! We are both proud and impressed. You guys are inspirational.
Congratulations!! What a great accomplishment, and you are setting such a great example of health to your kids (and me who can't get my fat butt up off the couch:)! Great job!
AWESOME! I was thinking about you yesterday when I was running my little 3.5. What a great accomplishment for you. What's next?
Congratulations! Wow, I'm so impressed! And praise God for no injuries...cramping toes, or whatever happened to you during your training!!
That is completely AMAZING, Sara! You're inspiring me to at least pick ONE of the three sports you are now incredible at....and get my rear in gear! :) Congratulations on such a great first race!!
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