Monday, August 13, 2007

The Countdown

This is the week. My workouts taper and off I will caper to Arkansas. This race has been an adventure already and no matter the outcome, I am so glad that I made it a goal. The training has been fun as well as educational. The body can endure so much, it is really amazing. I am really looking forward to the time away with Pete. We always have such a good time when we are stuck in the car together.

We got a wonderful phone call on Sunday that Grandma is finally home! She has been away in her motor home since May and that is a REALLY long time for the girls to go without seeing her. That changed our weekend plans some. Rather than staying with Kara, I will take the girls to Grandma's house tomorrow and they will stay with her until Pete and I get back. They are SO excited. It has been a long summer of "when are we going to Grandma's house?"

So hopefully this will be a restful week and then an exciting weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That's awesome! Congratulations!