Sunday, July 8, 2007


Ashton and Soren force Wyatt to play cheer

settled down for a movie

the boss man

eating lunch outside (in the garage for the shade)

Soren, Wyatt, Ashton, and our neighbor, Ethan

Reese and Parker voted for inside eating

Mat and Kara went to Austin and loaned us their kids...and their dog. We got out the water slide yesterday (yea for some sunshine!!!) and the kids were able to play rain free all afternoon. After dinner we went down to the pool and then over to the park. We did not come home until 8:30. The kids are having a great time. They enjoy each other so much; it is such a blessing to have family like this. I know so many people who do not have a realtionship with their siblings and their children do not know their cousins. I am grateful for my wonderful family!

Parker found Reese asleep and thought she needed...

a kiss!

1 comment:

Anita said...

I love that kissing picture!

Glad to see that the oldest child out of our group, Roscoe, still manages to get in on all the activities! That crazy dog.